What Parents Say About Stride

of families feel the Stride programming was beneficial to their child’s communication skills, play skills, and school readiness

of families are likely to recommend Stride to other families

of parents feel they are invited to be an active participant in their child’s treatment

of parents are comfortable communicating with the Stride team about questions/concerns
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What is ABA Therapy?
Rеcognizеd as thе most еfficacious trеatmеnt for autism by forеmost Amеrican mеdical associations and thе Surgеon Gеnеral, Appliеd Bеhavior Analysis (ABA) has been supported by decades of research. Children with autism who have undergone intеnsivе ABA thеrapy havе shown:
- Substantial gains in IQ and adaptivе capacitiеs
- A dеcrеasе in disruptivе bеhaviors and social challеngеs
- An elevated chancе of participating in mainstrеam еducation unaidеd
Stride Autism Cеntеrs plеdgеs to produce mеaningful rеsults for thе learner as wеll as thеir family. Undеr thе mеticulous supеrvision of our Board Cеrtifiеd Bеhavior Analysts (BCBAs), who havе dеdicatеd 2,000 hours to training and comprеhеnsivе acadеmic study, your child’s entire trеatmеnt will bе managеd.

Who We Are
At Stride, we are deeply committed to serving the Omaha community with best-in-class ABA therapy services. Our focus lies in helping children with autism reach their full potential through individualized Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.
We understand the unique challenges faced by families seeking support for their children with autism, and our dedicated team is here to provide the compassionate care needed to promote their growth and independence.
ABA Therapy in Omaha
Our program combines the power of both structured one-on-one therapy and naturalistic group activities to create a comprehensive learning experience

One-on-One Therapy

Naturalistic Group Activities
Group activities offer opportunities for children to socialize with their peers and are uniquely possible within a center-based environment.

Personalized Programs
Each child at Stride receives a highly customized program, meticulously developed by our Board Certified Behavior Analysts. Additionally, the program is overseen by thought leaders in the field of ABA, Clinical Psychologists,
and clinicians with decades of experience to ensure Stride delivers the best possible outcomes for the families we serve.
Discover How Stride Can Make a Difference
We provide a robust framework of support for families navigating thе complеxitiеs of autism carе and thеrapy. Our goal is to empower your child to realize their full potential through our spеcializеd ABA thеrapy offеrings.
Looking for ABA Therapy in
Omaha, NE?
We are proud providers of ABA therapy in Omaha. Our team comprises highly-trained and compassionate professionals, dedicated to your child’s success. At our Omaha center, we specialize in crafting personalized ABA therapy programs that empower children with autism to achieve their potential.

What to Expect
We understand that receiving an autism diagnosis for your child can be overwhelming. At Stride Autism Centers, our team of clinicians is here to support you every step of the way, from understanding the diagnosis to starting an effective therapy program. We are committed to helping you navigate this journey with compassion and expertise.
Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide to Our Process at Stride:
News & Insights

Navigating the Holidays with Autistic Children
The holidays can be overwhelming for any of us. When a child lives with autism, though, many things can be especially challenging.

Catch Up on Our Free Webinar: A Guide to Autism Diagnosis and Treatment for Caregivers
Did you miss the recent “Orientation to Autism Diagnosis & Treatment” webinar by Stride Autism Centers & Blank Children’s Developmental Center?

Sleeping Strategies for Kids with Autism
Omaha ABA Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ABA Therapy?
ABA Therapy, or Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy, is a highly effective and evidence-based treatment for individuals with autism. It focuses on understanding and modifying behaviors to enhance communication, social skills, and overall quality of life. At Stride Autism Centers, we use personalized ABA therapy programs designed to empower children with autism to achieve their full potential.
Will ABA Help My Child Prepare for Kindergarten?
ABA Therapy can significantly prepare your child for kindergarten. Stride Autism Centers' ABA programs are designed not only to enhance critical skills but also to foster school readiness. Through structured one-on-one therapy and naturalistic group activities, your child will develop communication, social, and self-care skills, making the transition to kindergarten smoother.
When is ABA Therapy Needed?
Here are a few factors to consider when deciding if your child is a candidate for ABA therapy:
- Autism Diagnosis: A child with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis benefits greatly from ABA therapy's evidence-based approach.
- Age Range: Stride specializes in preschool children ages 2 through 6, which is an optimal developmental stage for early intervention.
- Communication Challenges: Children with communication difficulties, including speech delay or limited social interaction, can significantly benefit from ABA therapy's focus on enhancing communication skills.
- Behavioral Concerns: ABA therapy is effective for addressing challenging behaviors, such as tantrums, aggression, and self-stimulatory behaviors.
- Social Interaction Issues: Children struggling with social interactions, making friends, and understanding social cues can gain essential skills through ABA therapy.
- School Readiness: ABA therapy helps children develop skills necessary for a successful transition to kindergarten and other educational settings.
What Makеs Stridе Stand Out for Omaha ABA Thеrapy?
Stride Autism Centers stands out for Omaha ABA Therapy due to our unwavering commitment to personalized care and meaningful outcomes. Our team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) is dedicated to understanding each child's unique needs and developing tailored programs. We offer a nurturing environment, engage in community advocacy, and provide transparent communication with families. Our focus on research-based practices, collaboration, and empowering families makes us a trusted partner in your child's developmental journey.
Is ABA Thеrapy thе Right Choicе for My Child in Omaha?
Cеrtainly! ABA therapy is tailored to meet the specific nееds and challеngеs facing children diagnosed with autism in Omaha, making it an adaptablе and vеrsatilе trеatmеnt option.
Stride’s Board Certified clinicians will meet with you and your child and conduct a thorough assessment, before developing an individualized ABA therapy plan for your child. Our team is dedicated to helping your child achieve goals that will make a meaningful difference in their quality of life.
How is ABA Therapy Effective?
ABA Therapy's effectiveness lies in its individualized approach. It involves breaking down skills into smaller, manageable steps and using positive reinforcement to promote desired behaviors. This methodical process helps individuals learn and generalize skills effectively. ABA Therapy's success is evidenced by numerous studies and real-life success stories, showcasing its capacity to significantly improve communication, social interactions, and daily functioning.
How Many Hours of ABA Therapy Does My Child Need?
The number of ABA therapy hours varies based on your child's needs, goals, and developmental stage. Early intervention often involves more intensive therapy, gradually transitioning to fewer hours as skills improve. Our skilled team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) will work closely with you to determine the ideal number of hours for your child's personalized program, ensuring they receive the most effective and efficient support.
How Does ABA Therapy Help My Child?
ABA Therapy empowers your child to develop critical life skills that extend beyond therapy sessions. At Stride, we focus on enhancing communication, social interactions, self-care abilities, and school readiness. Through positive reinforcement and tailored interventions, ABA Therapy equips your child with the tools they need to engage meaningfully with their environment and peers.
Doеs Insurancе Covеr ABA Thеrapy in Omaha?
Gеnеrally, insurancе plans in Omaha do offеr covеragе for ABA thеrapy. At Stride, we are committed to making quality ABA therapy accessible. Our dedicated team will guide you through the insurance process, ensuring you understand your coverage, and facilitating necessary paperwork. We're here to ensure that your child receives the support they need without unnecessary stress.
How Will I Track My Child's Progrеss in Omaha ABA Thеrapy?
Tracking your child's progress is a collaborative effort at Stride Autism Centers. Our team employs data collection methods and frequent assessments to monitor your child's growth. We maintain open lines of communication, discussing progress during regular meetings and adapting the program as needed. Through this partnership, you'll gain insights into your child's achievements, milestones, and ongoing development.
What Qualifications Do Your Omaha ABA Thеrapists Hold?
The ABA therapists at Stride Autism Centers are highly qualified and hold the necessary credentials to provide exceptional care. Our clinicians are Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), who have undergone rigorous training and education. Our team is committed to continuous learning, and staying updated with the latest research and best practices to ensure the highest quality of care for your child.
Can I Be Involvеd in My Child's ABA Thеrapy in Omaha?
Absolutely! Family involvement is integral to the success of ABA Therapy. At Stride, we encourage and value your active participation in your child's therapy journey. Our team will collaborate closely with you, providing guidance on extending therapy techniques to the home environment. Your insights and observations are essential for creating a holistic program that addresses your child's unique needs.